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Students and staff of Klamath Union High School got an unexpected early dismissal Monday morning when an electrical fire on the third floor sent smoke throughout the academics building. It was 10:30 a.m. when Klamath County Fire District 1 was alerted to a fire alarm coming from the KU campus. The fire originated inside one of the HVAC systems which pumped smoke through the building triggering the alarm and setting off the sprinkler system. The fire captain said while that is the suspected cause, nothing about what started the fire is officially known until further investigation is made. There is no damage to any of the classrooms beyond water damage from the sprinklers, The school was evacuated without incident and parents were notified by the Klamath Falls City School District about the fire, and canceling of the remaining school day. Teachers were also given the day off as power has since been shut off to the school. Moving forward, it is the hope of the school district and Klamath Union’s Principal Rod Heyen to have school proceed as normal on Tuesday as long as it is deemed safe to do so by KCFD1 working with electricians and school district maintainers. The fire district will continue investigation of the fire’s cause.

Klamath County Elections was notified by the Secretary of State that there were potential Non-USA Citizens registered to vote in Klamath County per an error from the Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles. The received information had one (1) non-USA citizen in Klamath County, whom has never voted. The directed steps have been followed and no ballot will be issued. The Klamath County Clerk’s office says they will continue to respond promptly to any notices received regarding this issue. They will also do a press release as soon as practicable, once information is received. If you have evidence that a person may be unlawfully registered to vote, please send your evidence and the information to the following website

What better way to welcome fall than with an Oktoberfest? The Klamath Basin’s take on the traditional festival includes plenty of local brews, food, and live music, not to mention the contests. There’s Stein holding, a best-dressed contest, and a People’s Choice Award for favorite drink. It all takes place on September 21 at the Bill Collier Ice Arena, 5075 Fox Sparrow Dr. Event manager, Andrew Stork says they try to have beers that are served by the representative of up and coming brewers. He added it’s an opportunity for those breweries that are making a name for themselves to gain more exposure as they continue to grow. You can pick up tickets at for either $10 or $25 depending on if you’re partaking in the drinks. And remember, don’t forget your Lederhosen.


Latest Oregon News

The Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians are suing the federal government in an attempt to stop Oregon’s first-ever offshore wind energy auction scheduled to take place next month. The lawsuit, filed late on Friday, challenges the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s environmental analysis and decision to proceed with the sale of leases for two offshore wind energy areas totaling nearly 195,000 acres, one near Coos Bay and the other near Brookings. It’s one of many legal challenges filed in recent years by local governments, fishing, environmental and other groups seeking to stop offshore wind surveying and construction on both the West and East coasts. The agency finalized the lease sale and its provisions three weeks ago, announcing the auction will take place on Oct. 15. Four out-of-state companies and one Oregon-based developer are set to bid on the leases.

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